Announcement on $WAR PentaLaunch Auction
by PentaLaunch Team
Today, WeStarter successfully launched on PentaLaunch. The curve auction completed within 7 minutes, the curve address can be found here:
During the sale, some fake curves were created by scammers. PentaLaunch team responded timely in the PentaLaunch Teglegram group (, and posted an announcement on Dora Factory Twitter ( However, we recognize that some users bought on the fake curve before the announcement.
PentaLaunch was created as a decentralized curve auction protocol. Therefore anyone can create a curve auction of any token. The PentaLaunch team will make the following moves to relief users who bought on the fake curve today and better safeguard our users.
1) Users bought tokens on fake curves before the time of Twitter announcement and not sell back to the curve will be fully compensated with the purchase lose plus a 30 USDC gas fee relief.
2) PentaLaunch team will add verified tags to curves that can verify project identities, and add more obvious risk notices on the frontend.
We greatly appreciate the patience of our community, and the timely feedback provided by our community. The PentaLaunch team will start to send back all relief payments at 12:00 pm UTC+0, April 30. A separate announcement will be posted on Dora Factory Twitter for details.